Friday, January 16, 2009

Visiting with family and friends

After the wedding Tim and I decided to accompany
Tim's parents to the place where we had been married

Mount Pollux conservation area. It was truly a beautiful day.
I think it's always beautiful there.

We had a very nice picnic and enjoyed the view, the quiet, and the fresh air for a bit.
That evening we prepared for a trip to see Lindsay and Casey and meet their new baby Orin.
That meant finishing the blanket I had been knitting as a gift...

As you can see I had apparently miscalculated a bit. Oops!
However, after revision it was well recieved. Yay!
Not only was it great to finally present the gift I had been working on for months,
It was also wonderful to meet the beautiful baby that was the reason behind the gift.

He was sooooooooo cute.

Tim was a real natural with him too. Hmm.

The happy Zawicki family! Orin, Casey, and Lindsay.

And then it was back to CT to do some work.
Tim and I (mostly Tim) worked on refinishing my parents Kitchen floor.
This is the before picture. You'll have to stop by to see the after.
We forgot to take a picture of it.
We were so busy visiting more friends.

This is Mason, my friend Shelly's baby. He was born while we were in SF.
Another cutie pie. (sorry it's sideways)

And Emaline, Mason's big sister, has grown soooo much since I saw her last.
I was the first to teach her how to use crayons.
And now look, she's moved onto mixed media artwork. I'm so proud!

Next up is Martha's Vineyard, a boatload of beaches and a wicked sunburn.

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