Well It's finally time to head on out! Pack Pack Pack! As we began to pack I began to get sick. I got a soar throat, a fever, and just felt miserable. This picture is the best I felt in that 24 hour time period. As you can see we had finally finished packing the small saturn that was to be our chariot across the country. Me, Tim, and Julio (the plant) and a FULL car of posessions.

Tim and Gaspar in front of our lovely home in the Sunset. Both Tim, me, Gaspar, and Anu lived in the basement next to the garage. It was a tight squeeze but a great place and awesome times together.

The full Trunk

The full backseat. We didn't realize how problematic this full backseat would be until we tried to get out our clothes and toiletries or set up the tent. Ok for driving, not that great for changing. Live and learn.

The movers Chad, Tim, and Anu! Thanks so much guys. We would have left way later without your help. Especially since I (Jenn) was 90% out of comission.

One Last look at our beloved First Baptist Church. We'll miss you.

"Last SF Exit" and last look at downtown. Quite a place.
Onward and upward!

Once outside of SF we came to the open road. Much brown grass, mountains, and pavement.
These pictures might be a bit sparse because Tim was driving and I was mostly sleeping as I still did not feel well.

Day 2: Tim is still doing the driving! I love you Tim. Thanks for taking such good care of me.

More dry mountains and tumbleweed as we exit California and enter into Nevada. This is the dry season in both California and Nevada.

We also saw dirt devils! This was something I didn't think really existed.

They certainly do though. They're very cool, a bit nerve wracking for me, but supposedly not dangerous. We actually stopped at this gas station and the dirt devil came right over the gas station. Wow!

After Nevada we journeyed on and found ourselves entering into Idaho! Just for a bit. I believe this was in Idaho. Maybe northern NV though.

This was the absolute best moment! Not only had I been craving a DQ cherry dip for MONTHS but it was the first delicious discovery that soothed my throat and my empty belly. Oh, it was the best!

And then back out onto the open road. A bit more grassy now.

A coffee stop turned into a photo op for this really cool fountain in Idaho. This thing was HUGE.

It's hard to see in this picture but there is the Grand Teton Mountains behind us. What a view.
I'm smiling but still with a very soar throat. No more fever though.

As we got closer to the mountains and the Wyoming Border the scenery became more interesting.

Trees! Fields of flowers!

Footprints! I think these are from a deer or Moose. They were pretty big.